
“Black Swan” With More Charm on Juicy Couture after Getting Fat

Natalie Portman has achieved a lot from her new movie “Black Swan”. First the star gets her further improvement by the wonderful performance and graceful ballet in the movie. And then she found her true love during the filming by meeting the ballet prince on her Juicy Couture Clothes.
After wining the Best Actress at the 16th Annual Critics’Choice Awards, the pregnant star seemed in extremely happiness. Portman told the reporters that her state of having this baby is relatively satisfying: “My appetite is better than before. I think I’ve already got rid of the stress of being “black swan”. And now I’m getting fatter and fatter because of this little baby. But I’m not afraid of being fat at all for I know my Juicy Couture Tracksuit will bring me more charm.”
Wearing a pair of exquisite Juicy Couture Earrings, the elegant lady seemed incredibly glamorous. Portman even joked she should give all the credit to her director of “Black Swan”, Darren Aronofsky: “I should thank him not only for offering such a great chance for me to take this challenging role, but also for his introduction of my fiancé.”
“I owe Darren a lot. This guy made me a gracious swan by being so skinny. And now he is also responsible for getting me fat. I mean, it is from him that I know my sweet love and this is the best engagement gift along with the Juicy Couture Sandals he has sent,” the actress laughed.
Being through her first trimester, the star revealed everything was great and it had been in calm state: “It’s easy to me right now and I feel good. Perhaps I can be the most charming mom on my Juicy Couture Bracelets”.

