
The Funny Man is Back With Dsquared

It has been so long since we haven’t heard from the outstanding comedian Jim Carrey. Now this funny man is going to be back to his stage and looks even more attractive by putting on Dsquared Clothes.
It is reported that Jim is going to return the stage of “Saturday Night Live” to host this show on 8th, January night next year. On his recent interview, this funny man who used to be the most famous comedian in Western world in the 1990s looked more mature by wearing Dsquared Jeans.
This Hollywood star has created many fun characters on the screen such as “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” and “The Mask” which left deep impression to the audiences all around the world. On talking of the old times, Jim said he was flattered that the public gave so many high praises on his funny shows. “I am very grateful for their great support. They’ve been stand there for me in so many years. That’s why I will try my best to present more comedies along with the charm I get from my new Dsquared Polo Shirt.”
Although he started his acting career with sketch comedy, he had moved his focus in the movie world since he got high reputation for his comical genius. So Jim decided to return to the stage of sketch comedy after so many years by hosting the classic TV show “Saturday Night Live” on his handsome Dsquared Cap. Jim also mentioned his guest would be “The Black Keys”. So we are looking forward this comedian master came back to this stage for his funny show on the charming Dsquared Swimwear.

