
Put on Tommy Hilfiger Go Cheering For Gay Marriage

With more and more star join the league of fighting for quality of gay marriage, Barbara Bush, one twin daughter of former U.S. president George W. Bush also becomes a part of it by putting on Tommy Hilfiger Clothes to cheer for gay marriage publicly.
As President, George W. Bush has once pushed for a constitutional amendment to forbid unions of homosexual. Now his own daughter also joins a powerful team by putting on her Tommy Hilfiger jeans to oppose this kind of view together with other offspring of those prominent politicians.
There is a short film released on behalf of The Human Rights Campaign, the national group in support of the gay equality last week. And Barbara appeared in the film by putting on her cool Tommy Hilfiger Shirt. The girl introduced herself as “a New Yorker for marriage equality”.
“New York is a city full of love and fairness. So everyone deserves the right to marry whoever they love. I’m Barbara Bush, and I’m also a passionate New Yorker who will vote for marriage equality of gay. And I will put on my vigorous Tommy Hilfiger Polo Shirt to be one part of the mighty support system of gay marriage”.
Then Barbara concluded her words by advocating “join us”. A lot of other offspring of celebrities also showed their faces in this film, including Meghan McCain, the daughter of John McCain who ran for U.S President in 2008.
“When two people are committed to each other, we should give our blessings to them for this is true love. There is no excuse for anyone of us to stop their right to have a happy marriage. And I will fight for their right bravely by putting on my Tommy Hilfiger Sweater”.

