
Go A-List on Juicy Couture in Fashion World

The Emmy Award-wining actress Kathy Griffin is reported to be off the show “My Life on the D-List” after ending the sixth season. “The show is too old, but I want to be younger and enter into A-list in fashion world for my refreshing Juicy Couture Clothes.”
“It’s really hard to make this decision for this show is much more like my baby. But I think it’s time for me to stop it for I don’t want to bring boredom to my audiences. I want to show my charm in some new shows or episodes on my vigorous Juicy Couture Tracksuit.” Griffin said she wanted to be more than a reality star.
It is said that there will be four new comedies for this excellent actress to show something new on her. “It’s a good way to start off my 2011. The audiences will find a different me in a brand-new fashion style on Juicy Couture Sandals.”
The network executive told the media that the humor and excellent performance of Griffin will bring more pop culture to the TV world. “We all look forward the new start of this wonderful comedian. She told us she will be back on her new Juicy Couture Earrings. That will be awesome”.
“Although it will still be comedy, I will assure you I can keep my jokes fresh. Now I’m preparing the materials. The audiences would see a better and younger Kathy on her Juicy Couture Earrings. They are definitely going to see fresh stuff.”
Griffin also mentioned she was a little nervous of grabbing her first Grammy Award on February 13th. “I will attend this significant ceremony on my cheerful Juicy Couture Dress. I want to be the third women comedian who won Grammy”.

