
Batman Needs Beard to Keep His Manly Charm on Tommy Hilfiger

We are surprised to see “Batman” Christian Bale with a beard when he appeared at Golden Globe ceremony last week. One Bruce Wayne like that has never occurred to us for he is more like a gentleman on his stylish suit when he is that normal billionaire. Bale has his own explanation:”Beard is more suitable for my manly Tommy Hilfiger Clothes“.
The actor told the media that his new image is not for the upcoming movie “The Dark Night Rises” but just being himself on Tommy Hilfiger Jeans: “It’s so hard for me to be in the state of unemployment, I will take good advantage of this chance to do things I’ve desired for a long time. Getting beard is one of them for I think it will be more like a real man when I put on my wild Tommy Hilfiger Polo Shirt with a beard”.
Having been out of work since his last movie “The Fighter”, Bale claimed he could finally enjoy the free life: “When you’re working in one movie, everything in your mind will be connected with the character you are going to play. I become someone else in that period even though I still keep my Tommy Hilfiger Shirt on me”.
But it won’t be too long for the actor to go back to work. It is reported that Bale will start a movie in China in few weeks: “I’m going to in one new movie’13 Women of Nanjing’ by working with Zhang Yimou, a talented and famous Chinese director. I’m looking forward to this exciting trip to China by taking my Tommy Hilfiger Flip Flops with me”.

